Are You Emotionally Elite?

Emotionally Elite

Emotional Intelligence coaching has played a very significant role in my overall leadership development process. I am always looking for new information and new research in this area. Often, I get introduced to new words and terminology. Yesterday, I came across a new phrase — emotionally elite.

There is much more to be learned about emotionally elite leaders. Unfortunately, the word “elite” has some negative connotations. For many of us, this goes against our nature. We are not comfortable referring to ourselves as elite. Nevertheless, consider the word “elite” devoid of the braggadocios or the conceited way that we often see it used.

So, what does it mean to be “emotionally elite”?

After doing some research online and in some academic circles, I can report to you that there is still not a lot of material available with keywords “emotional” and “elite” used in combination. And some of the links that I followed took me to a well disguised online dating site. (Unfortunately, now some 39-year-old woman from the Ukraine wants to be my “friend”.) So, I need to be a little more careful in my research!

What are some common characteristics of emotionally elite leaders? Consider these five characteristics of those who are emotionally elite.

Emotionally elite leaders are at peace. These individuals can be described as being at peace with who they are. That peace comes from living out an extended period of time making very good decisions and choices in all facets of their lives.

Emotionally elite leaders bring peace. These individuals are not drawn to drama and they are not prone to drama. If there were such a thing as a “drama meter”, they would not score very high on the meter. Rather, they would exhibit the behaviors necessary to defuse a drama filled situation.

Emotionally elite leaders have a victorious spirit. These individuals do not cast themselves as victims when a situation does not turn out the way that they had hoped or expected that it would. Adversity does not mean failure to these folks. And they see themselves as overcomes and not victims.

Emotionally elite leaders take blame as well as credit. These individuals do not run from a failure. The face it head on because they do not see a failure as defining characteristic of them as leaders. To the emotionally elite, failures are moments. They are not an address at which they dwell.

Emotionally elite leaders are generous. These individuals are givers in all aspects of their lives. They pour themselves into those around them and they give of their time, talents, and treasure. Servant leaders come to mind when we think about giving generously.

Emotionally elite leaders are generous. 

Does any of this resound with you? Can you identify at all with my understanding of being emotionally elite? Is this a logical extension of some of the existing work in the field of Emotional Intelligence? I hope you will take advantage of the opportunity and leave us some thoughts and comments below.

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